Saturday 17 March 2018



Facebook is one of the leading & a most popular social networking website in the world. We all are addicted to Facebook and always use FB account from laptops, PC's, mobile devices, office or any workplace. But do you know whatever you are doing on Facebook, can be tracked or  someone can keep an eye on your FB activity & he can also do various activities from your account just because of your weak ignoring attitude. A hacker can use several ways to get your account control from phishing, keylogging, or as simplest resetting your password. Each Facebook account contains a lot of personal information and if it gets public it would cause misuse of information & even furthermore blackmailing. So security for Facebook accounts is the prominent issue these days.

In this video i have explained in Hindi about Facebook hacking and its techniques and how you can safeguard yourself from this.

Commonly hacking is done through Phishing. So, what's Phishing now? Well Phishing is a term used to describe a malicious individual's or group of individuals who scam users for fraudulent activities. They do so by sending emails or creating web pages that are designed to collect an individual's online bank details, credit card, or other login information. Because these email or web pages look like legitimate companies and unfortunately users trust them and enter their personal information. This information is then transmitted to the hacker and utilized to commit acts of fraud.


You receive a mail from your bank or credit card company that says your account has been compromised or that you need to update your information or it will be closed or any website asking your facebook log in id to get unlimited likes. But it's not really from your bank or any website to get unlimited likes. It's from a phisher hoping to catch you off guard with a very sneaky scam. They're clever enough to use simple graphics (bank logos,etc) to make it look actual.The fake email conveniently includes a link you can click on to resolve the problem as soon as possible,which you are told you need to do. If you do it, you're taken to a web page that hackers has designed and controls..he is reeling you in. On that page, you're asked to update your account information..username,password,etc. If you send/submit the update,you will provide the phisher with all he needs to steal money, your identity or both.


To help you protect yourself from phishing, I have come up with the following tips:

1. Guard against spam. Be especially cautious of emails that:

* Come from unrecognized senders.

* Ask you to confirm personal or financial information over the Internet and/or make urgent requests for this information.

* Aren’t personalized.

* Try to upset you into acting quickly by threatening you with frightening information.

2. Communicate personal information only via phone or secure web sites. In fact:

When conducting online transactions, look for a sign that the site is secure such as a lock icon on the browser’s status bar or a “https:” URL whereby the “s” stands for “secure” rather than a “http:”.

Also, beware of phone phishing schemes. Do not divulge personal information over the phone unless you initiate the call. Be cautious of emails that ask you to call a phone number to update your account information as well.

3. Do not click on links, download files or open attachments in emails from unknown senders. It is best to open attachments only when you are expecting them and know what they contain, even if you know the sender.

4. Never email personal or financial information, even if you are close with the recipient. You never know who may gain access to your email account, or to the person’s account to whom you are emailing.

5. Beware of links in emails that ask for personal information, even if the email appears to come from an enterprise you do business with. Phishing web sites often copy the entire look of a legitimate web site, making it appear authentic. To be safe, call the legitimate enterprise first to see if they really sent that email to you. After all, businesses should not request personal information to be sent via email.

6. Beware of pop-ups and follow these tips:

* Never enter personal information in a pop-up screen. 

* Do not click on links in a pop-up screen.

* Do not copy web addresses into your browser from pop-ups. 

* Legitimate enterprises should never ask you to submit personal information in pop-up screens, so don’t do it.

7. Protect your computer with a firewall, spam filters, anti-virus and anti-spyware software. Do some research to ensure you are getting the most up-to-date software, and update them all regularly to ensure that you are blocking from new viruses and spyware.

8. Check your online accounts and bank statements regularly to ensure that no unauthorized transactions have been made

You should always be careful about giving out personal information over the Internet. Luckily, companies have begun to employ tactics to fight against phishers, but they cannot fully protect you on their own.

Remember that you may be targeted almost anywhere online, so always keep an eye out for those “phishy” schemes and never feel pressure to give up personal information online. 

Thank You!
                                            © copyright 2018 the techno boy.

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